Differences Between Advertising, Branding and Marketing


Differences Between Advertising, Branding and Marketing

2019 / 12 / 01

It may seem like advertising and marketing are two concepts that share exactly the same objective. In fact, they do have the same objective: alerting consumers to products and services being sold. Marketing and advertising have many things in common, but there are some differences. Comprehension of these differences and similarities will help any business or organization with their strategy for customer and audience acquisition.


advertising vs marketing

advertising vs marketing


1. Advertising

Advertising is any paid announcement to the public. Individual sponsors or firms are aim to persuade potential or existing consumers to buy a product or service. It is usually aggressively or indirectly involves putting the word out about a product through media such as newspapers, posters, television, radio or the Internet. Advertising involves a message you send toward a target audience and a medium through which to convey the message.

2. Marketing

Marketing is a process. It refers to the deliberate business activities your company executes to bring together buyers and sellers for the exchange or transfer of products. These activities include formulating strategies to use alongside available resources such as social media, television, packaging and print media. Businesses whose employees face customers directly on a regular basis usually referring the importance of proper conduct when they have contact with the clients or stakeholders to enhance marketing ability.

Comparison Chart:

Basis for Comparison Marketing Advertising
Meaning The activity of understanding the market conditions in order to identify the customer needs and creating such a product that it sells itself. Advertising is a part of market communication process which is done with the aim of seeking attention of the public towards a particular stuff.
Aspect Product, Price, Place, People, Promotion, Process. Promotion
Term Long term Short Term
Scope Market Research, Promotion, Advertisement, Distribution, Sales, Public Relations, Customer Satisfaction. Radio, Television, Newspaper, Magazines, Hoardings, Social Media, Sponsorships, Posters.
Importance More and more sales Creates Awareness
Focus on Creating market for the new or existing product and building brand image. Grabbing the attention of the general public.


Key Differences Between Marketing and Advertising:

  1. Advertising is marketing, but Marketing is not advertising.
  2. The product, Price, Promotion, Place, People, Process are the six major aspects of Marketing. Promotion is the major aspect of Advertising.
  3. Marketing is done with the intent of increasing sales while Advertising is done with the objective of inducing customers.
  4. Marketing focuses on creating a market for the product, and building reputation whereas advertising focuses on seeking public attention.
  5. Marketing is a long-term process. On the other hand, advertising is a short term process.





Role of Advertising in Marketing Communication

Marketing communications are the means by which organizations attempt to inform, persuade, and remind consumers about products, services, or brands. Marketing communications inform and make consumers aware about the availability of the product or service, about its usage, price and special offers. Marketing Communications attempt to persuade potential consumers to purchase and try the product. Marketing communications can also be used to reinforce experiences, or to remind consumers about their needs and their past experiences related to the product with a view to convince them for repurchases. Marketing communication also differentiate products in markets where there is little to separate competing products and brands.
Advertising is a paid form of a non-personal message communicated through the various media by industry, business firms, nonprofit organizations, or individuals. Advertising is persuasive and informational and is designed to influence the purchasing behavior and/or thought patterns of the audience. The advertising message has to reach a billion people, speaking different languages, practicing many religions. Advertisers can reach their audiences through television, radio, cinema, print medium, outdoor advertising, sales promotion and the Internet. Hence, advertising is a form of mass communication.


3. Branding

According to the American Marketing Association (AMA), a brand is anything that helps get potential buyers to remain loyal to your product or company, such as the logo, symbol, name or design. Branding involves the collection of things an audience expects and experiences, combined with the workings of all the brand elements, including typeface, logos, tagline or brand. It creates an association between, the potential buyer’s ideals and the particular make of a product. Such as “green companies” use the green color to associate with the color of the environment.


ADS vs Marketing

ADS vs Marketing


4. The Confusion

The terms marketing, advertising and branding brings the confusion regarding the best word among the three to adopt as a result of their inter-connectivity and end result. For example, advertising may enhance potential buyers’ awareness of the particular brand while loyalty to a brand justifies the cost of advertising spent on it.  Likewise, advertising and branding are single components of the marketing process, while all three components work as a cohesive unit toward increasing sales and enhance the company’s reputation.


More information : https://www.diffen.com/difference/Advertising_vs_Marketing




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