The steps in Advertising Process


The steps in Advertising Process

2020 / 06 / 16

1. Advertising Design Process

Advertisement design involves running an integrated ad campaign to reach achieve your present business goal. Based on the objective, a reasonable budget is calculated on which the media plan is formulated. A Creative concept is finalized, which is then transformed into various artworks deployed through various mediums in specific time intervals for specified time duration which will help your business reach its goal.


Advertising Design Process

Advertising Design Process



2. The steps involved in the process of advertising

For the development of advertising and to get best results one need to follow the advertising process step by step:

  • Step 1 – Briefing: the advertiser needs to brief about the product or the service which has to be advertised and doing the SWOT analysis of the company and the product.
  • Step 2 – Knowing the Objective: one should first know the objective or the purpose of advertising. i.e. what message is to be delivered to the audience?
  • Step 3 – Research: this step involves finding out the market behavior, knowing the competitors, what type of advertising they are using, what is the response of the consumers, availability of the resources needed in the process, etc.
  • Step 4 – Target Audience: the next step is to identify the target consumers most likely to buy the product. The target should be appropriately identified without any confusion. For e.g. if the product is a health drink for growing kids, then the target customers will be the parents who are going to buy it and not the kids who are going to drink it.
  • Step 5 – Media Selection: now that the target audience is identified, one should select an appropriate media for advertising so that the customers who are to be informed about the product and are willing to buy are successfully reached.
  • Step 6 – Setting the Budget: then the advertising budget has to be planned so that there is no short of funds or excess of funds during the process of advertising and also there are no losses to the company.
  • Step 7 – Designing and Creating the Ad: first the design that is the outline of ad on papers is made by the copywriters of the agency, then the actual creation of ad is done with help of the art directors and the creative personnel of the agency.
  • Step 8 – Perfection: then the created ad is re-examined and the ad is redefined to make it perfect to enter the market.
  • Step 9 – Place and Time of Ad: the next step is to decide where and when the ad will be shown.The place will be decided according to the target customers where the ad is most visible clearly to them. The finalization of time on which the ad will be telecasted or shown on the selected media will be done by the traffic department of the agency.
  • Step 10 – Execution: finally the advertise is released with perfect creation, perfect placement and perfect timing in the market.
  • Step 11 – Performance: the last step is to judge the performance of the ad in terms of the response from the customers, whether they are satisfied with the ad and the product, did the ad reached all the targeted people, was the advertise capable enough to compete with the other players, etc. Every point is studied properly and changes are made, if any.


steps involved in the process of advertising

steps involved in the process of advertising


If these steps are followed properly then there has to be a successful beginning for the product in the market.



3. Advertising Campaigns – Meaning and Process

Advertising campaigns are the groups of advertising messages which are similar in nature. They share same messages and themes placed in different types of medias at some fixed times. The time frames of advertising campaigns are fixed and specifically defined. The very prime thing before making an ad campaign is to know :

3.1. Why you are advertising and what are you advertising ?

Why refers to the objective of advertising campaign. The objective of an advertising campaign is to

  • Inform people about your product
  • Convince them to buy the product
  • Make your product available to the customers



Advertising Campaigns

Advertising Campaigns


3.2 The process of making an advertising campaign is as follows

  1. Research: first step is to do a market research for the product to be advertised. One needs to find out the product demand, competitors, etc.
  2. Know the target audience: one need to know who are going to buy the product and who should be targeted.
  3. Setting the budget: the next step is to set the budget keeping in mind all the factors like media, presentations, paper works, etc which have a role in the process of advertising and the places where there is a need of funds.
  4. Deciding a proper theme: the theme for the campaign has to be decided as in the colors to be used, the graphics should be similar or almost similar in all ads, the music and the voices to be used, the designing of the ads, the way the message will be delivered, the language to be used, jingles, etc.
  5. Selection of media: the media or number of Medias selected should be the one which will reach the target customers.
  6. Media scheduling: the scheduling has to be done accurately so that the ad will be visible or be read or be audible to the targeted customers at the right time.
  7. Executing the campaign: finally the campaign has to be executed and then the feedback has to be noted.

Mostly used media tools are print media and electronic media. Print media includes newspaper, magazines, pamphlets, banners, and hoardings. Electronic media includes radio, television, e-mails, sending message on mobiles, and telephonic advertising. The only point to remember is getting a proper frequency for the ad campaign so that the ad is visible and grasping time for customers is good enough.


4. Creative Process in Advertising

Creative process has great importance in advertising same like the other matters of life. It helps us in the creation of new ideas, the ideas which are able to take over a whole market or transformation of old concepts, which have no place in this modern market.

Creativity steps do not move strictly in a linear fashion, instead, all of them are iterative in nature and in the end, any of them can recall the previous or the next one or even the one next to it. That’s why it’s only natural for a human to change one with another and often ends up messing his thoughts. This five stage process takes the human mind through the steps of preparation, incubation, insight, evaluation and finally through elaboration to link up those mystified corners of the creative thoughts in the form of something new that the world has never seen before.


Creative Process

Creative Process


4.1. Preparation

The first among the steps of the creative process is often observation and making up the mindset relate to the domain on which the person wants to work. It depends on upon that person priorities and his environment in which he lives in. For example, most of the people like to work in a quiet environment while some prefer to work with a sweet and slow music in the background and some are able to concentrate even in the harshest conditions like noise.

4.2. Incubation

Incubation is actually the stage of maturing those thoughts and ideas gathered by your mind in the first stage. Among all of the steps of creative process, this process is the one which is totally out of your control. That’s why there’s nothing one can say about the expected time period which the brain needs to mature these ideas. It can take a day, a month, a year or even a decade.

4.3. Insight

The step involves the sudden signalization of sub-consciousness to the forebrain to the readymade ideas. This is the stage that makes a person suddenly say “aha!” or “got it!” or it can be anything which shows that person’s excitement whenever he gets a new idea. It happens because it is the brain’s natural ability to let a person work continuously without any interruption while letting the sub-consciousness work at the same time.

4.4. Evaluation

The most important of all the steps of creative process, the evaluation stage is what in you make analyze those linked thoughts and ideas according to the environment and more importantly, to your satisfaction. It is a fact that most of the people, who want to create something new and converting something old into new, often stick at this stage since it requires that person’s reflection and self-criticism.

4.5. Collaboration

Most often, collaboration is the final step for most of the people, on the completion of which they stop working on their idea and so, improvement stops. This step among all the other steps of creative process involves the hard work of the person in the external world rather than the world of fantasies and his mind.



5. Communication Process in Advertising

In any business organization that produces products or provides services to the end-consumers or to the other businesses, marketing of the product becomes an essential part of the whole process. The aim of any promotional activities that a business gets involved in, depends on the organizational aims of the organization and the vision of the organization that the organization wants to carry through the promotional activities, and to provide it to the customers.


Ads and Marketing fee

Ads and Marketing fee _ lemon7


Step 1

1.1- Explain the role of advertising in an integrated promotional strategy for a business or product

1.2- Explain branding and how it is used to strengthen a business or product

1.3- Review the creative aspects of advertising

1.4- Examine ways of working with advertising agencies

Step 2

2.1- Explain primary techniques of below-the-line promotion and how they are used in an integrated promotional strategy for a business or product

2.2- Evaluate other techniques used in below-the-line promotion

Step 3

3.1- Follow an appropriate process for the formulation of a budget for an integrated promotional strategy

3.2- Carry out the development of a promotional plan for a business or product

3.3- Plan the integration of promotional techniques into the promotional strategy for a business or product

3.4- Use appropriate techniques for measuring campaign effectiveness



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David Zuazua
David Zuazua
2 years ago

hello, I am teacher of Advertising. I am creating the content of the subject and I have seen your web and it is very interesting. Do you mind if I use some of your content as the charts and use some of your thoughts as a inspiration, mentioning your link?

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